Unicorns Fart Rainbows

The Funniest
Unicorns Coloring Book is here!


Does your kid love COLORING?


Does your kid love UNICORNS?


Does your kid love FARTS?

Yes?! Well guess what! I made a coloring book just for them! 

Say GOODBYE to boring coloring books filled with soulless clip art and say HELLO to the goofiest, most original coloring book around! “Unicorns Fart Rainbows” is your new antidote to boredom and blah.

This hilarious unicorns coloring book is PACKED with my original artwork to make your kids LAUGH and have fun all while flexing their crazy creative skills. I cannot WAIT to share this super goofy, super fun coloring book with you and your little artists.

I made this coloring book for 3 big reasons:

1. All kids need creative expression.

2. It’s great to meet kids where they’re at.

3. Laughing together makes families happier.

If you’re looking for awesome artistic activities that your kid will LOVE and that you can giggle at together, “Unicorns Fart Rainbows” coloring book is here.  Click the link below to get your kids giggling and farting – uh, I mean “farting” – now!


What Happy Customers are saying about
“Unicorns Fart Rainbows”

Let’s raise FUNNY KIDS and make the world a happier place!

Ok so I know life can get heavy but do we have to be so dang SERIOUS all the time? Give me a fart-filled unicorns coloring book that gets my kids LAUGHING and having fun any day.

I’ve been a professional artist my entire adult life and I have news:

The best art makes us giggle, jump around, laugh together and feel that bubbling, sparkling feeling inside. Kind of like bubble gum toots filling us up with joy

Laughing and having fun is the BEST. It’s the SWEET STUFF in life. In fact, let’s all make a pact here and now to make the world a better place by raising FUNNY KIDS who know how to laugh and have a good time.

And have you ever noticed how the word ART is already nestled so snugly inside the word FART? The universe is telling us something people!

I made “Unicorns Fart Rainbows” for kids and families who love art, who love laughing together and who just want to have fun. Click on the button below to get your copy now!

Best Art Supplies for your sparkling new UNICORNS coloring book

Click below to snag your copy of the BEST unicorn coloring book ever and these swanky art supplies!

This Tootiful Unicorns Coloring Book has Something for EVERYONE!

This unicorns coloring book has something for everyone! Color in unicorns tooting rainbows, best buds flatulating their days away, or even unicorns cutting the cheese to Shakespeare and Robert Frost. What a farty bonanza!
Life doesn’t get better than this, people. Click the button below, grab a box of Crayola Big 40 markers, and have a coloring party where yogis, gardeners, and astronauts all feel at home.

Yoga farts anyone?

Toot Propelled Space Travel?

Unicorns farting LITERATURE?!?!

How to Use this Unicorns Coloring Book

BUY the Book!

This is the easiest part. Click the button below and get this fart-tastic coloring book tooting its way to you!


This is the FUN part! Use your favorite art supplies on these rainbow unicorn coloring pages.

Giggle & Share!

Don’t keep your awesome fart-work to yourself! Share the giggles with friends and family.

Better yet, buy your loved ones their own copy! Click below to connect yourself and all your good buddies to the funniest unicorns coloring book around.


5 ways to Reek Havoc with this tooty unicorns coloring book!

Did I say “reek”? My bad. Unicorn farts do not smell bad. They smell like donuts and Camelot.
But I digress. Here are five ways to prank and poke gentle fun with your “Unicorns Fart Rainbows” coloring book:

Hang them on your parents’ bathroom mirror!

Give them a tooty reminder of your love every time they brush their teeth.

Post them on the public library bulletin board! 

Think of all the chuckles you’ll inspire as people check out their boring adult books!

Leave a copy in your doctor’s office waiting room!

Sick people need giggles too! Don’t forget to add a cup of crayons.

Buy as a friend’s birthday present! 

They’ll howl with laughter when they open it. Wrap it in one of my silly coloring pages for extra zest.

Write a thank you note to your teacher on each page.

Then give them a copy as a “Thank You” present. On the inside cover, write “You are one FARTASTIC teacher!”

Do everything on this list! And remember, it’s only fun if everyone is laughing. 😉
 Click below, then go beg your parents to buy your copy of “Unicorns Fart Rainbow” now!

ADULTS love “Unicorns Fart Rainbows” too!

This unicorns coloring book isn’t called “A magical coloring book for funny kids AND IMMATURE ADULTS” for nothing!

Why let kids have all the fun? This unicorns coloring book is for everyone! Here are a few ways that adults can also let the healing joy of “Unicorns Fart Rainbows” soak in.

Set up a coloring station in your work break room!

Everyone needs a break, and nothing relaxes like laughter.

Color with your BFFF!

That’s your Best Fart Friend Forever! There’s a page just for you and your bestie—the person you feel comfortable tooting in front of.

Bond with your kids.

Kids love it when their folks get goofy! Grab some glasses of milk, silly straws and get coloring together!

Turn a playdate into a fART party!

The Crayola Big 40 marker set is PERFECT for coloring parties. Pop it out with some carrot sticks, cut out some pages, and solidify your reputation as the “fun house”!

Netflix and chill.

Make your low-key evening memorable by coloring together! Pop on your favorite dumb show, share a bowl of ice cream, and color in some joyful farts. Love and laughter go together!

Gift a goofy, giggly present! 

Looking for a gift for a creative friend who loves a good belly laugh? Look no further! Don’t forget to add some coloring supplies as gift toppers. [link to supply section

See, adults can have fun too! Get the fun started by clicking below and getting your copy of the funniest unicorns coloring book around.

There’s nothing sweeter than the sound of your kids’ LAUGHTER!

Aside from the gnawing regret you’ll feel if you don’t buy this book, you’ll miss out on a super fun and easy way to bring more art and laughter into your home.

Farting Unicorns are funny! It’s that simple!

There’s no greater glue for a family than laughing and having fun together. Kids want to be in a home where their sense of humor is cherished.

And don’t we all want to live in a world full of funny people? Boring people are just so… boring.

But Unicorns Fart Rainbows kids are BRIMMING with personality and SPARKLING with vivacious energy.

Now is the time to

1.  Encourage your kids to flex their funny bone! 
2. Encourage their creative expression!

3. Hang up their fart-work ALL over your home!

By Boing all this, you are showing your kids that you value them as the goofy, hilarious, inventive individual that they are. There’s nothing better than that.

So snag your copy now of the BEST most FULL OF PERSONALITY unicorns coloring book on Amazon today!

Check out other FREE coloring pages
made by Emma!

Tooting unicorns are just the beginning my friend. I’ve made OODLES of coloring pages that you can download free from on my website

Whether you’re looking for Halloween coloring pages or fun birthday decor, I’ve got more pages than you can shake a stick at.

Click below to find more FREE coloring pages made by Emma, just for you.

And if you’re ready for 20+ pages of my lovingly created artwork, head to Amazon and buy the best unicorns coloring book money can buy!