FREE Kitty's Day Coloring Bundle: with “Write & Color Word Bubbles”! 🐱💬
Boost kids’ literacy, creativity, and storytelling with a fun activity! These “Kitty’s Day: Write & Color Word Bubbles” build skills with adorable fun!
Practice literacy, spelling and more with adorable word bubbles!

Word bubbles are a great, low pressure way for kids to:
Practice writing skills
Develop storytelling abilities
Think critically about characters and plot
Develop emotional awareness
These Word Bubbles Flex 3 Kinds of Literacy!
These word bubbles flex 3 types of literacy:
Visual Literacy: Helps kids express themselves in a digital age filled with visual communication.
Emotional Literacy: Encourages kids to think about characters’ emotions by observing body language and facial expressions.
Writing Literacy: A low stress way to practice writing while thinking about context clues, plot, and dialogue.

Word Bubbles and Storytelling
Character: What is each character like? What would they say?
Feelings: What do facial expressions reveal about emotions?
Plot: What’s happening in the story? In each panel?
Setting: Where does the story take place?
Dialogue: How does speech advance the plot and reveal character relationships?
Word Bubbles and Reluctant Readers
Bridge between pictures and language: Word bubbles straddle the gap between picture books and chapter books.
Allow images to express emotions: Kids can use visuals to convey feelings when writing is challenging.
Tell a story beyond words: Helps kids, especially those with dyslexia, engage in storytelling.
Empower the visually gifted: Not all kids are writers, but many are budding cartoonists and visual artists.

“It’s amazing how such a simple tool can pack such an educational punch.”
How to Introduce Word Bubbles to Young Kids
Read Books with Word Bubbles: Explore early reader books & graphic novels like Elephant and Piggie, Pea, Bee & Jay, and Yeti & Unicorn.
Explain what a word bubble is: Keep it simple. “This shows us what characters are saying or thinking.”
Talk about Tails: Explain, “This tail points to who is speaking.”
Ask for help: Let your child identify who’s speaking to flex their word bubble knowledge.
Hot Take: Isn’t it CHEATING to use Word Bubbles?
“Developing these smaller skills will help kids work up to BIG things.”
Writing in the Word Bubbles: Tips for Success
Use a pencil: Erase mistakes and try again.
Look through the whole story first: Think about what words to add.
Act out the scene: Try out different lines aloud!
Play with pairing words and emotions: Experiment with unexpected combinations.
Notice word bubble size: Think about what fits and experiment.
There is no right answer: Follow your inspiration and have fun!
Ways to Use These FREE Kitty’s Day Coloring Pages
Practice Creativity: This bundle encourages kids to practice coloring and storytelling. Such great creative expression!
DIY Home Decorations: Complete the pages and hang them up as creative home decorations. Show your child that you are proud of their creative spirit.
Fun School Projects: Perfect for classroom use to practice writing and storytelling.
Afterschool Writing Practice: Pair with a snack for a low pressure activity.
Work through Big Feelings: Notice Kitty’s feelings and see if any of them look familiar.
Quiet Time Activity: A calming activity to help kids relax after a busy day.

Download Your FREE Literacy Word Bubble Coloring Pages!
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