This is my USA!
In the USA, we are a diverse nation. That is a fact. I am the daughter of a European immigrant and the step daughter of a Mexican-American. I grew up playing, learning and pursuing gleeful hi jinx with kids from Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, Syria, Germany, Jamaica and more. My tight knit group of friends included kids with parents from Iran, the Philippines and grandparents from China. We were all immigrant families and those families helped raise me.
I want to raise my own kids in a society that embraces who we are and recognizes all our people for their full humanity, their contributions and their potential. The America that I love is colorful and vibrant. It is forgiving and honest. It is hard working and vivacious. The America I love laughs together and finds peace in sisterhood and brotherhood.
The America I love is a great problem solver who always seeks to be better. Most of all, in the America I love we take care of each other, we listen to each other and we value each other.
This drawing is for all the kids in our America. It is for the kids with skin the color of cafe con leche, or dark roasted coffee beans. This is for the kids with raven black hair that reflects the sunlight as they play and laugh with their friends, the kids who come from a different place and bless us with their creativity, their vitality and their dreams. This drawing is for my own children whose cheeks are the color of strawberries and cream. They are just one part of a gorgeous palette that we are so lucky to be a part of.
This drawing is for you, America. I see you. I am you. I love you.