Sign up for the Studio Newsletter!
It’s official, I am entering the world of email newsletters! I’ve been enjoying the newsletters of various creators including illustrators Rebecca Green (creator of “How to Make Friends with a Ghost“) and Jake Parker (of Inktober fame and one of my favorite Christmas books, “The 12 Sleighs of Christmas“).

I’ve read variously that for newsletters to be effective you should publish them 1) at the same time everyday and 2) consistently at least every other week. As you may know I am pushing an awesome giveaway this week in honor of Hispanic Heritage Month so I will have my first post next Tuesday. And who knows what it will contain?! I’ve started a list of inspiration to include and so far it includes Bill Watterson’s favorite inking implement, Norman Rockwell’s ideation process, a list of emotions that we should have words for, book reports for my favorite books by Hispanic authors, pics of my intentionally spilling paint on paper, and so on. I think I already have enough content for the first few months!
Emma T.