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Making Art with Your Baby and Toddler

Nurture your 0-3 year old's creative spirit by making artwork together! A children's book illustrator, mom and educator explains why and how.

Cultivate your Child's Creative Spirit

So, you're considering making art with your 0-3 year old? Wonderful! Babies and toddlers are often overlooked in arts education, but they're ripe for the art-making experience. Their spongey brains are in learning hyperdrive. Introducing them to vibrant colors, new shapes, patterns, and giving them the experience of making things happen with their own two chubby hands will provide your little one with immense stimulation. Every moment in a baby’s life is absorbed with extra intensity, making these creative moments together incredibly impactful.

“There's special magic that happens when babies and toddlers make art.”

As a mom of 3 who’s been teaching art for over a decade, I can tell you there's special magic that happens when babies and toddlers make art. In this post, I'll share why and how to get creative with your little.

(Also, although I say “0-3 years” in this post, I really mean about 6 months old to 3 years, or roughly when babies start to sit upright and grab objects with intention.) 

A Note about Supervision

First, making art at home with very young children requires supervision. As a parent myself, I know how desperate we can be for solo activities our kids can do. However, 0-3 year olds need constant supervision because they can hurt themselves if not watched closely. Making art with children at this age requires being present and ready to act when things go off the rails.

The fact is, every moment you spend making art with your kiddo is an investment. You are not just teaching them art; you’re teaching them communication, independence, basic vocabulary, manners and most importantly, that their creative spirit is loved and cherished in your household. 

“When you make art with your children, you are teaching them that their creative spirit is loved and cherished in your home.” 

Benefits of Art-Making for 0-3 Year Olds

I’ve made lots of art with babies and toddlers and it blows my mind how beneficial it is. These are just a few of the benefits I have observed.

  • Develop Gross and Fine Motor Skills:  Art helps develop motor skills linked to numerous benefits, including language outcomes.

  • Introduction to Basic Mechanics: Babies and toddlers learn how to pop marker tops, screw on lids, and use scissors.

  • Exposure to Beginning Math Concepts: Shapes and counting are integral parts of early art activities.

  • Language Development: Art-making introduces important first words, including shapes, colors, adjectives and- when you make art together- basic conversation.

  • Exploration and Decision-Making: Babies and toddlers experience the consequences of their choices, building self-confidence and expression. 

  • Develops Visual Literacy: Art activities begin the lifelong journey of developing visual skills. In this age of hyper media exposure, visual literacy is more important than ever.

  • Bonding Experience: Drawing and making art together creates powerful, memorable experiences.

  • Patience and Creativity: Art teaches patience with process, self, and others and encourages self-belief, grit, and reflection.

  • Physical World Understanding: Babies learn how materials interact, developing tactile skills that virtual experiences can’t provide.

  • Fun and Joy: Most importantly, making art together is fun and joyful!

How to Maximize Art-Making with 0-3 year olds

  1. Stock your Creative Pantry

Art materials are the most fabulous articles to have sprinkled around your home. Read more about building your Creative Pantry here.

2. Keep Your Art Supplies Organized (Without Driving Yourself Crazy)

You don’t need to color-code crayons, but simple organization helps. Use paint caddies, jars for pencils and markers, and “really useful boxes” for playdough and other items.

3. Regularly Present Art Making as an Option for Play and Fun

As a parent, you set the tone for your home. If you present art-making as a fun, natural activity, your children will see it that way too.

4. Make Art Together

Drawing and art-making create deep memories. When you make art with your baby or toddler, you’re forming lasting memories of creativity and peace.

“When you make art with your baby or toddler, you’re forming lasting memories of creativity and peace.”

5. Make Art Apart

While supervision is necessary, encourage independent exploration!

6. Talk a Lot!

Making art together is a great opportunity to discuss shapes, colors, and numbers. This helps your child learn important concepts and build positive emotional connections with these words.

7. Sing Songs!

Incorporate songs into art-making to make the experience even more enjoyable and educational.

8. Listen to Their Cues

Pay attention to your child's interests and responses to different materials and activities. Also, when they say they are done, it's time to wrap up.

9. Display Your Little’s Artwork

Hanging up your child’s artwork beautifies your home and shows them you value their creativity. It also serves as a visual reminder of the special moments you’ve shared.

10. Clean Up Together

Cleaning up is a part of creating. Teach your young creatives that their mess is their responsibility. Use songs to make clean-up fun, and set age-appropriate expectations. Appreciate their efforts to help build a habit of cleaning up after themselves.

11. Practice Art Appreciation

Art appreciation is simple and powerful. Buy art you love, hang prints on your walls, and stock your home with beautifully illustrated books. Show them that you honor the human creative spirit.


Let’s Make Art with Our Littles!

Making art with your baby or toddler is an important investment in their development, visual literacy, sense of independence and of course their relationship with you. So stock up your creative pantry, encourage your kids to use the materials there, display their artwork and watch their creative confidence grow!


More Creative Resources for Infants and Toddlers

For more ideas on building out your Creative Pantry and making art with littles you can check out these blog posts:


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