Grumpy Kids on a Rainy Day… New Art!
Well, we are here again- it is raining, raining, raining in California.

My illustration, “Rainy Day Grumps”.
This sketch was actually inspired by a really fun rainy day activity that my kids and I did. We were going completely stir crazy during the last jag of precipitous weather. My 11 year old was harrumphing, my 9 year old was practicing basketball so intensely that the BOOF noise the indoor hoop made every time he shot was starting to make me twitch, and my 2 year old was literally bouncing off the walls.

So my 9 year old and I hopped onto Pinterest and typed in “rainy day activities for kids”. Somewhere along the way, my middle child realized what a GOLD MINE Pinterest is, and whenever we are casting around for something to do (what halloween costume to make, an easy baking activity, 2nd grade science fair projects, etc) we hop on our favorite visual search engine.

[CLiCK ON THE IMAGE] to download your very own “Rainy Day Grumps” coloring page! ☔️🎨🖍️
I popped open the Procreate app on my iPad and started sketching. I love sketching in Procreate. Although the aspect ratio of the screen can feel limiting at times, it’s so easy to move elements around until you find the composition you like.
At first I just drew one grumpy kid. It became clear pretty quickly though that her reason for annoyance was not easy to see. Was she feeling harassed by an uncooperative rain puddle? What was this deal with this solitary, grumpy kid? So I plumbed the depths of my knowledge and experience and alighted upon the vector of much childhood grumpiness.A little brother.

My initial sketch was cute but why was she so cranky?

Sibling rivalry is the inspiration for lots of children’s book illustrations!
How to keep the energy of the original sketch.
How to solve problems that end up affecting my composition.

My finished line drawing.per, as well as black.

I often drop abstract paintings behind drawings for texture. This time it didn’t really work.
I decided at this point to use a tried and true rainy day palette. I call this palette “English Country Lane”. I have it loaded up as one of my Procreate palettes. I created it during an autumn trip to my grandparents’ house in the English countryside outside of Liverpool. I pulled the colors from photos I took as I enjoyed a walk down a soggy country lane.
I decided at this point to use a tried and true rainy day palette.

Character study of Gemma doesn’t use any saturated blues.

After applying flat colors to the main shapes.

I made this palette while visiting England.
I knew I wanted to have some bright blues in “Rainy Day Grumps” however, so I added a saturated blue violet and was on my way!

Putting in the ground.

Adding more values, textures and reflections, especially in the puddle.

Lil bro’s original, scrunched expression.

Lil bro’s more open expression.
I was much happier with how this looked. It also added some complexity to the story. Instead of two angry siblings, there are two different emotions- annoyance and distress. I like this extra variable!

My illustration, “Rainy Day Grumps”.