Illustrated Quotes About Art and Life to Inspire Young Artists

Let these powerful quotes about art and life, illustrated by children’s book illustrator Emma Tipping, guide and inspire you.
Creative Communicating: How Art Helps Kids Connect

Learn how kids can use art and creative communicating to connect with others when words aren’t enough. Creative Communicating is SO Human…
New Art: Hauntings, an English Graveyard and Raincoats

New art for my children’s book illustration portfolio! I made these as a way to cope after loss AND dig into English history.
Drawing Gesture to Build Story and Emotional Literacy

Did you know that by drawing gesture in kids’ illustrated books, artists are helping kids build emotional literacy?
Art Supplies Checklist for Toddlers

Get started on your creative pantry with this arts supplies checklist for toddlers. Help them hit developmental milestones, cure their own b
The Cutest Mouse Poo Poem Ever!

Well, it finally happened. I wrote a blog post about mouse droppings!
Grumpy Kids on a Rainy Day… New Art!

Well, we are here again- it is raining, raining, raining in California. Being the drought ridden state that we are, rain is actually a…
Building a working watercolor palette

Hankering for some fun detective work? Start investigating the color palettes of your favorite artists! Whistler was famous for his use…
Plan your Indigenous People’s Day Art Projects… with this FREE Coloring

There is no better way to ease into your Indigenous People’s Day lessons or celebration than with a coloring page!